Basic Usage =========== .. caution:: All the healpix maps *must* have a proper header defining their : * frame using the ``COORDSYS`` keyword, * order using the ``ORDERING`` keyword. However you can correct the headers in the construction of the list of maps .. code-block:: python maps = [ {'HFI 100': {'filename': 'data/HFI_SkyMap_100_2048_R2.00_full.fits', 'COORDSYS': 'C'}}] There is two main way to use :mod:`hpproj`, the first way is to use the standalone program on the command line, this will efficiently produce cuts for similar maps, or use it programmatically from within a python script or program which will offer an additional speed-up on high memory system. From the command line - ``cutsky`` ---------------------------------- The command line program is called `cutsky` and takes 3 arguments at minimum, the longitude and latitude of the desired projection (by default in ``galactic`` coordinate, but see below) and a list of healpix map to cut from : .. code-block:: bash $ cutsky 0.0 0.0 --mapfilenames data/HFI_SkyMap_100_2048_R2.00_full.fits data/HFI_SkyMap_857_2048_R2.00_full.fits by default this will produce two ``png`` files centered on galactic longitude and latitude (0,0). Fits images of central photometries can be obtain using the ``--fits`` or ``--phot`` options. Help on ``cutsky`` can be obtain by .. code-block:: bash $ cutsky -h usage: cutsky [-h] [--npix NPIX | --radius RADIUS] [--pixsize PIXSIZE] [--coordframe {galactic,fk5}] [--ctype {AZP,SZP,TAN,STG,SIN,ARC,ZPN,ZEA,AIR,CYP,CEA,CAR,MER,COP,COE,COD,COO,SFL,PAR,MOL,AIT,BON,PCO,TSC,CSC,QSC,HPX,XPH}] [--mapfilenames MAPFILENAMES [MAPFILENAMES ...]] [--fits] [--png] [--votable aperture [aperture ...]] [--outdir OUTDIR] [-v | -q] [--conf CONF] lon lat Reproject the spherical sky onto a plane. positional arguments: lon longitude of the projection [deg] lat latitude of the projection [deg] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --npix NPIX number of pixels (default 256) --radius RADIUS radius of the requested region [deg] --pixsize PIXSIZE pixel size [arcmin] (default 1) --coordframe {galactic,fk5} coordinate frame of the lon. and lat. of the projection and the projected map (default: galactic) --ctype {AZP,SZP,TAN,STG,SIN,ARC,ZPN,ZEA,AIR,CYP,CEA,CAR,MER,COP,COE,COD,COO,SFL,PAR,MOL,AIT,BON,PCO,TSC,CSC,QSC,HPX,XPH} any projection code supported by wcslib (default:TAN) input maps: one of the two options must be present --mapfilenames MAPFILENAMES [MAPFILENAMES ...] absolute path to the healpix maps --conf CONF absolute path to a config file output: --fits output fits file --png output png file (Default: True if nothing else) --votable aperture [aperture ...] list of aperture [arcmin] to make circular aperture photometry --outdir OUTDIR output directory (default:.) general: -v, --verbose verbose mode -q, --quiet quiet mode It takes two float arguments, the latitude and longitude center of the requested projection, either in galactic or equatorial coordinate frame (controled by the ``--coordframe`` option) and a list of healpix maps, either on the command line with the ``--mapfilenames`` argument or describe in a config file (with the ``--conf`` option). Several other optional arguments can also be set like ``--npix`` the number of pixels, their size (``--pixsize``) or the projection type ``--ctype``. The cutted maps can be saved as fits (``--fits``) or png (``--png``) and central circular aperture photometry can be performed and saved as a votable (``--votable aperture``). The output products directory can be tune using the ``--outdir`` option. All theses options can also be provided by the config file. The config file follows a simple ini syntax with a global section ``[cutsky]`` to gather all previous options. The rest of the sections is used to describe the healpix maps used by ``cutsky``. The section name ``[test]`` will be used as a legend and index by ``cutsky``. .. code-block:: ini [cutsky] npix = 256 pixsize = 2 coordframe = galactic png = True [SMICA] filename = hpproj/data/CMB_I_SMICA_128_R2.00.fits docut = False [HFI 100] filename = hpproj/data/HFI_SkyMap_100_128_R2.00_RING.fits [HFI 857] filename = hpproj/data/HFI_SkyMap_857_128_R2.00_NESTED.fits docut = True docontour = True As a function call - :func:`~hpproj.cutsky.cutsky` -------------------------------------------------- It is also possible to call ``cutsky`` from a python program or script, as a function. You first need to define a list of maps on which to perform the cuts, as list of tuple with at minimum ``(filename.fits, {'legend': "legend"))`` given the full path to the healpix map, and a dictionnary with a least the key ``legend`` .. code-block:: python from hpproj import cutsky maps = [('data/HFI_SkyMap_100_2048_R2.00_full.fits', {'legend': 'HFI 100', 'aperture': [1, 2, 3]}), ('data/HFI_SkyMap_857_2048_R2.00_full.fits', {'legend': 'HFI 857', 'docontour': True})] result = cutsky([0.0, 0.0], maps=maps) The first argument is the latitude and longitude of the requested maps, by default in ``galactic`` frame (see the ``coordframe`` keyword), and the ``maps`` list define the healpix maps. This will produce a list of dictionnaries containing 4 keys: * ``legend``, * ``fits`` an, * ``png``, a b61encoded png image of the fits * ``phot``, the corresponding photometry Additionnal parameters can by passed to the function : * ``patch=[256,1]`` : the size of the patch in pixel, and the size of the pixels in arcmin * ``ctype='TAN'`` : the desired type of projection As an object - :class:`~hpproj.cutsky.CutSky` --------------------------------------------- It is however more efficient to use cutsky as an object : .. code-block:: python from hpproj import CutSky, to_coord maps = [('data/HFI_SkyMap_100_2048_R2.00_full.fits', {'legend': 'HFI 100', 'aperture': [1, 2, 3]}), ('data/HFI_SkyMap_857_2048_R2.00_full.fits', {'legend': 'HFI 857', 'docontour': True})] cutsky = CutSky(maps, low_mem=False) coord = to_coord([0.0,0.0]) result = cutsky.cut_fits(coord) # Will only produce the 'fits' key result = cutsky.cut_png(coord) # Will only produce the 'png' key (and 'fits' if absent) result = cutsky.cut_phot(coord) # Will only produce the 'phot' key (and fits' if absent) The result product should be similar to the ``cutsky()`` function. However with the ``low_mem`` keyword the healpix maps will be read only once in memory, for all ``cut_*`` calls. Similar to ``cutsky()`` several keyword parameters can be passed to ``CutSky()`` : * ``npix=256`` : the size of the patch in pixels * ``pixsize=1`` : the size of the pixels in arcmin * ``ctype='TAN'``: the desired type of projection As internal calls - :py:mod:`~hpproj.hp_helper` ----------------------------------------------- Alternatively if you simply want to get a projected array, you can use the :func:`~hpproj.hp_helper.hp_project` function .. code-block:: python from import fits from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord import healpy as hp from hpproj import hp_project hp_data, hp_header = hp.read_map('data/HFI_SkyMap_100_2048_R2.00_full.fits', h=True) hp_header = fits.Header(hp_header) hdu = hp_project(hp_data, hp_header, SkyCoord(0, 0, unit='deg')) Or, if you prefer to get full control, you can also use the internal functions like :func:`~hpproj.wcs_helper.build_wcs` and :func:`~hpproj.hp_helper.hp_to_wcs` .. code-block:: python from import fits import healpy as hp import hpproj as hpp hp_data, hp_header = hp.read_map('data/HFI_SkyMap_100_2048_R2.00_full.fits', h=True) hp_header = fits.Header(hp_header) hp_hdu = fits.ImageHDU(hp_data, hp_header) w = hpp.build_wcs(0, 0) proj_map = hpp.hp_to_wcs(hp_data, hp_header, w) Note that both `hp_project` and `hp_to_wcs` accept either an ``, or both `hp_data, hp_header`