Installation ============ ``hpproj`` is tested against python 2.7 and 3.5 and can be installed using `pip`_ or from `source`_ pip --- .. code-block:: bash $ pip install hpproj This will install the latest release of ``hpproj`` source ------ .. code-block:: bash $ git clone $ cd hpproj $ python install This will install the master tree of ``hpproj``. It is probably wiser to checkout a specific version before installation .. code-block:: bash $ git clone $ cd hpproj $ git checkout 0.4 $ python install Dependencies ------------ ``hpproj`` require the following librairies * numpy>=1.13 * matplotlib>=2.0 * astropy>=2.0 * healpy>=1.9 * photutils>=0.4 The specific versionning are those you are being used in the test suit. Both `pip`_ and `source`_ install should install those library if they are missing.